Why Do My Fingers Go Red And Hot Why Do My Hands/fingers Get Hot And Turn Red For No Reason?

Why do my hands/fingers get hot and turn red for no reason? - why do my fingers go red and hot

In recent weeks, I noticed that my hands and fingers, is very warm on my thumb very hot and red. The rest of my body is warm when it happens. I know that the opposite is the condition of Raynaud So, what this is?



The heat and the red is an aspect of Raynaud's phenomenon. If your hands get the ships in cold blood, an excessive restriction, the finger is frozen - is often blue or white. Then start when you heat, even over-react, and you get hot, red condtion. If you're all hot and red, without feeling the cold before, you may have a variant of the syndrome. Not everyone reacts in exactly the same way.

http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/926055 ...

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