Alcohol & Wrist Pain Wrist Pain?

Wrist pain? - alcohol & wrist pain

begins to bite my wrist. and pain at the same place. I think it needs to play in front of the ball on the wet grass. He slid a lot. Not only bruiised bites or Nething. I do not feel me. C higher than when I played, I was like 7 shots of vodka in me. Do u think it hurts more when the alcohol to wear off? I put it on ice or simply go to bed and hope he feels better, Tomm.


♪♪BandMo... said...

Oh, yes ... That are a bit hurt when the alcohol will disappear. You should really be put on hold. You can use a crepe bandage and wrap. When the alcohol wears, take some ibuprofen. It is anti-inflammatory (take the swelling) so that it works better than Tylenol. If you are not yet very strong tomorrow, you want to go may need to reviewed to ensure that only stroke and not bent or broken. Feel better: o)

Wrong number said...

Put ice for 20 minutes at a time. Go to bed. If not better tomorrow, take a radiograph.

In God We Trust said...

Vodka and other alcoholic drinks are not your friends. I will leave it strictly alone. You have to spend time with a doctor who is trusted. Then they will "avoid" all that is a problem for you. Sitting around and guessing is not a good thing. Use a normal computer? If you do, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. But I'm not a doctor, and I want to lose the pain and feel better. Take the doctor's advice and pushed the best. "Remember: What we will say, God is for us, who can be against us - Romans 8:31. The Lord fills us daily allowance, the God of our salvation. Selah - Psalm 68: 19 Peace and love.

mr.answe... said...

He injured his wrist under the influence of vodka. Without doubt it will hurt even worse, as time passes and the alcohol disappears. The morning of the competition will heal even more. Ice in the first place would be good, and the others. If it still hurts and swells up, it's time for a radiograph.

Dottie said...

Well, dismissed the vodka

Yes, it's worse when you're sober!

put ice for 20 Minitas and 20 Minitas 1 24 heures, Tylenol or Advil, w / food if Advil, or ibuprofen and see how it feels tomorrow.

You may need to get X-rays, so the next day is really difficult.

d'you keep himself sober?

jason said...

Ask your doctor is a better ideal

♥ said...

I had pain in the wrist before, but mine, because I see someone who had the difficult things. I fell asleep and felt better the next day. I think UR wrist is very tired. something.

Bluebird said...

Put on the ice, then heal to go to bed tomorrow. If not, then take masturd oil and massage your wrist. It will work well.

maryjane said...

and play ball or buzzed / drunk? Yes, it will hurt more sober, Wen

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